Working on what matters most
Joe ran for State House last year to solve issues that threaten our community. He knows from his own experience the severe impacts that come from increasing rents, mounting student loan debt, and higher costs for gas and groceries. As our voice in Olympia, Joe is fighting for our economic security.
But that’s not all. Joe has stood strong to protect reproductive freedom for women here in our state. And he is pushing for solutions that improve our schools and provide our kids with the opportunities to succeed.
Joe’s got the right priorities—and although new to Olympia, he delivers. In just his first year, Joe passed the most bills of any newcomer in the State Legislature, and he did it with bipartisan support. Joe is laser-focused on our community, and he works with everyone to deliver real solutions for us.
Joe fights for us
Housing Affordability
Joe understands affordable housing is the cornerstone of a vibrant, healthy community. He also knows that we can’t solve our homelessness crisis without addressing the housing affordability crisis, as the two are inextricably linked.
He has been working tirelessly to ensure affordable homes for seniors, families, and all constituents. Recognizing the impact of soaring housing costs on everyday lives, Joe has taken decisive action, advocating for fair housing policies and pushing for increased funding for affordable housing programs. He believes that everyone deserves a stable, safe, and comfortable place to call home.
Over and over again, Joe has voted to create more affordable housing in Washington:
Joe supported the critical “middle housing” bill (HB 1110), which allows more diverse housing options in towns and cities across the state and will help address high rents, home ownership, and homelessness in the years to come.
As part of the capital budget, Joe supported investing $400 million in the Housing Trust Fund to build affordable housing throughout Washington state, the biggest such investment in state history.
He supported legislation (HB 1337) that makes it easier to build affordable housing in your backyard. The creation of more backyard cottages will add gentle density to neighborhoods and accommodate flexible housing options for families.
Spare public land can now be more readily turned into affordable housing or homes to help our neighbors experiencing homelessness get back on their feet. Joe supported the legislation. (HB 1695)
He voted for a bill (HB 1293) that will cut red tape and make it faster to bring more housing online.
Through Joe's committed actions and dedication, he is working to eliminate barriers to affordable housing and making the dream of homeownership a reality for more people in our community.
Reproductive Freedom
Joe firmly believes in upholding the fundamental right to reproductive freedom, recognizing it as a cornerstone of personal autonomy and dignity. He understands that the ability to make decisions about one's own body is integral to equality and privacy.
With this belief, Joe has actively championed legislation that safeguards access to comprehensive reproductive health care, including contraception and safe, legal abortion. He has consistently stood against efforts to roll back these rights and is committed to ensuring that decisions about reproductive health remain between an individual and their healthcare provider.
Joe has been a steadfast defender of reproductive freedom:
Joe supported a bill (HB 1469) that protects Washingtonians, as well as people traveling here, from the punitive anti-abortion laws in other states. The new “shield law” also enshrines protections for reproductive health care statewide.
Similarly, Joe voted for legislation (HB 1340) that protects the licenses of health care providers who provide reproductive care from the anti-reproductive freedom laws that target physicians.
He supported a historic, first-of-its-kind law (HB 1155) that reduces barriers to choice by protecting people’s private health data, in particular from the wave of anti-choice laws passed around the country.
In the wake of the federal restriction of mifepristone and misoprostol, Joe supported a bill (SB 5768) that allowed Washington State to buy and dispense them as a backstop.
He voted for a bill (SB 5242) that removes copays and deductibles for abortion coverage.
Joe's unwavering dedication to reproductive freedom ensures that everyone, regardless of their income or location, has the freedom to make the best decisions for themselves and their families.
Joe personally understands the transformative power of education. That’s why he’s been at the forefront of making education more affordable, responsive, and focused on students’ needs.
He is a leading proponent for standing up for students’ rights, expanding financial aid for college, and ensuring that it’s easier to get a degree for the most needed jobs across the state. The lion’s share of Joe’s legislation focused on improving education:
He championed a transformative program (HB 1823) to make college more affordable to more people while also making it easier for students to pursue degrees in areas with high workforce needs like educators, behavioral mental health counselors, health care, and public safety.
Joe ensured that high school seniors are able to receive their diplomas under difficult circumstances, clarifying the criteria and providing alternatives to withholding diplomas. (HB 1536)
He advocated for a “students’ bill of rights,” outlining the protections afforded to students by federal and state laws. (HB 1478)
Joe's steadfast commitment to improving education underscores his understanding that a strong and vibrant community hinges on providing accessible, top-notch education for all.
Effective Legislator
Joe fights for everyday people - and wins. Whether he’s standing up for working families, seniors, or students, Joe collaborates with his colleagues to improve the lives of people in Whatcom County.
Because of his hard work and political acumen, Joe was one of the most effective new Representatives in the State Legislature. He passed the most new laws of any new member of the House, as five of his bills made it through the legislature and were signed by the governor:
He passed a bill (HB 1302) to make meals more affordable to seniors in assisted living.
Joe created a new law (HB 1452) that creates an emergency medical reserve corps to assist in the event of an emergency.
Joe ensured that high school seniors are able to receive their diplomas under difficult circumstances, clarifying the criteria and providing alternatives to withholding diplomas. (HB 1536)
He navigated a complicated issue about water rights, establishing legal timelines and clarity for adjudication for the Nooksack watershed. (HB 1792)
He championed a transformative program (HB 1823) to make college more affordable to more people while also making it easier for students to pursue degrees in areas with high workforce needs like education, behavioral mental health counseling, health care, and public safety.
Not only was Joe effective, but he worked diligently across the aisle. Most of his bills had strong bipartisan support. That’s because Joe keeps his constituents at the center of his decision-making. Above all, it’s paramount that he delivers strong results and improve the lives of the people he represents - both in the 42nd District and across Washington State.

Connect with Joe
Joe is not just a public figure; he's your neighbor, your advocate, and your voice in government.
Reach out to Joe to share your ideas and concerns. Together, we can make a difference!